
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ezekiel Elliott

Go cowboys!!! We're doing great this season! New running back Ezekiel Elliott  is doing awesome. Here are some funny photos of him hurdling.  

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hit and Run

We all comprehend death in different ways. There are two types of people that deal with fatality differently. Person A will look past death without even showing a flinch. Person B will let the word linger in their minds while keeping them up at night. I am person B. Death seriously freaks me out, and gives me anxiety. That is why I am writing this blog at 3:30 AM. I am sorry if this blog post is morbid I just thought by getting it out it might ease my anxiety. Thanks for listening. Here's the story.

This morning at 7:49 AM a man known as Eric Ausburger was killed in a hit and run incident. He was walking on a street called Bedford Court. That is seriously a street over from me. He was 51 years old. I don't know why this is bothering me so bad. I don't even know the guy, but it has kept me up. Maybe my heart sympathizes for this stranger. I have been in one car accident, and I cried. There was no damage to the car, but it felt as if a train rammed into the back bumper. I feel like this is a horrible way to die..

Anyone who would hit somebody and leave the scene is pathetic excuse for a human being in my book. How could you do nothing to help someone from the danger that you caused them? There is no excuse for this action. I truly do hope the suspect is found and tried for this.

Thank you for reading my blog today. I am so sorry for the loss of this mans family. Even know I didn't personally know Eric my heart reaches out for him and his family.

I posted this picture of a candle to show my condolences.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Whining Won't Stop!

I own a 17 year old long haired chihuahua named baby. I love her to death. She has been a incredible joy in my life, but for the the love of god she seriously is driving me crazy right now. She is whining 24/7. I don't think I can handle it for much longer. I don't think shes in any pain. If that were the case I think she would be yelping. I think the reason for this indescribable constant whining is due to the fact that she is in heat. Yes you heard me right she is having her monthly girl time.

She seems to stop whining whenever I pet her, but I cannot pet her constantly. Maybe if I had extras hands I could spare. I really hope this whining ceases soon.Does anyone have any helpful tips?  I am down to try anything!

Here's a picture of my precious little dog. Sometime when she wakes up she sticks her tongue out. I swear my heart melts every time she does this. Well anyways I love this dog to pieces and enduring her whining is just a small price to pay. I'ts such a joy to be her owner. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I ♥ My Bobble

Have you ever found yourself thinking that the tap water from your kitchen sink taste awful. I've had this same exact thought numerous times, but I continued to drink this tainted tap water. Finally I decided to do some research on cheaper alternatives to buying bottled water. I came across a product called Bobble.

Bobble is a water bottle that has a built in filter so no one has to endure the dreaded tap water. It is ridiculous cheep the bottle that i bought was 9.99. The filters last about 2 months or 300 water bottles worth. Filter replacements are really cheap also. A package of two is 9.99 also. I think it makes the water taste great. I am really happy with my purchase and will continue to to use bobble.
The photo above is what my Bobble looks like, and I think the design is modern and sleek. Mine is 22 ounces, but they have bigger bottles. I just though this one seemed more durable. I really do think if everyone buys this bottle instead of purchasing numerous water bottles a year it will cut down on pollution tremendously. If your reading this blog go ahead a purchase one of these bad boys. They sell Bobble water bottles at Target, Walgreen's, Blooming Dales, and Best Buy. You can also purchase them on Amazon.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Segways tour

I'm am so excited to tell you that I am going on a Segway tour in the Botanical Gardens. I've only rode on a Segway once when i was in the 8th grade. I thought it was pretty simple. It seems like the Segway pretty much balances for you. I am really looking forward to this adventure. I think this is going to be really fun.They give lessons on the Segway before you begin the tour. I am pretty sure I'm going to complete the tour without falling.

I actually have a pretty funny story involving a Segway. I used to work at a mall in a cookie kiosk. I made friends with a lot of security guards that were employed at the mall. We used to have fun on Mondays (the malls slowest day). One particular day i dared a security guard to do a obstacle course while  riding the Segways. One of obstacles was go around two poles that were placed in the mall. This 6 foot tall security guard seriously fell forward and the Segway went sliding across the mall. I made sure he was OK and couldn't stop laughing.

I will not be trying any Segway stunts while I'm on the tour. I will post a updated post telling you how it went.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Alveolar Trill

All my life I've had a disability. I don't know if you would call it a disability, but it is something I could never do.  I cannot roll my Rs. I have tried a countless number of times and have always failed miserably. I have no idea why. I looked it up and its called alveolar trill I did not see anything about this ability being a genetic trait, but I do think it has to do with my childhood speech impediment.

When I was younger I was in speech therapy for many years. I could pronounce the R sound in my words. I would say wok n wo instead of rock n roll. I finally grow out of this later on in middle school, but I do think it has to do with my rolling rs dilemma. I have read that if you are not taught to roll your rs as a child then it is extremely difficult to do this as a adult.

Maybe in the future I can finally roll my rs. Do you have any alveolar trill advice?

Friday, August 28, 2015


I have drank 32 ounces of water
I recently downloaded this awesome app called waterlogged. It lets me track my daily water intake. Right now my goal is 150 ounces. This app lets you set your goals and also will give you reminders. It also shows you a graph of your water drinking progress. I think I will continue to use this app. I have searched for better water tracker apps and none of them compare to waterlogged.

A new water bottle is coming out soon. Its called Trago, and it automatically tracks the water you drink from the bottle Its actually the cap that tracks your water intake. So i guess the cap has tiny sensors in it that measures the amount of water you drink. The cap can also fit on any wide mouth water bottles. I am going to order mine soon. Its about 50 dollars. This product isn't out yet, but you can preorder yours via

Trago is such an exiting new addition to technology. I be everyone will have one soon.